July 30, 2018 —
The hurricane season is upon us again. Much as we would like it to stay away with all of its complications, there is little to be done about it. Except adequate preparation. As we prepare for impending challenges, it is especially important to keep the elderly in mind. So, as the 2018 hurricane season draws... Read More
March 20, 2017 —
One seriously overlooked area of senior care is also a very simple one: Get outside more. The word we have for the outdoors–nature–even suggests to us the fundamental importance of enjoying the outdoors. Just like when we refer to something as being second nature, or doing something “naturally,” we mean that it is something instinctive;... Read More
June 30, 2016 —
As people go through the aging process, they may find that their bodies are no longer as sturdy and hardy as they used to be; and that certain activities and lifestyle choices that were once perfectly normal now affect them very differently. This phenomenon manifests itself in many different ways, but a major one for... Read More
June 15, 2016 —
As our loved ones age, one of the most important things, both to them and to the ones that care for them, is maintaining their sense of independence. At a stage of life when it seems that much of what they previously took for granted is being taken away from them, we try to do... Read More