Joan Krystal-Levy
Care Manager
Joan Krystal-Levy is a licensed social worker from New York with more than 25 years of experience.
In addition to her Masters Degree in Social Work, she holds a Post Graduate Certificate in the Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, is a Trained Bereavement and Crisis Counselor and a Certified Ombudsman.
Prior to relocating to Florida, Joan Krystal-Levy served as the Director of Social Work for 12 years in a 270+ bed Nursing and Rehabilitation Center where she was responsible for the overall operations of the social work department. Her successful hands-on approach ensured the emotional, social and physical well-being of all residents. Joan, with a specialty in geriatrics and counseling, is highly skilled in conflict resolution and identifying barriers to safety while maintaining independence for the aging population.
In addition, Joan, an adjunct professor teaching social work at the Graduate school level, also serves as an independent Consultant and is an experienced counselor for both individuals and families.
Joan Krystal-Levy was the recipient of the prestigious New York State Assembly Certificate of Merit Woman of Distinction Award in 2014.
“I believe the greatest gift we can give to the elderly population is helping them to age with dignity, purpose and spirit in a safe environment”.
What Joan’s Clients Say:
“Our Senior Options counselor, Joan, has helped our family tremendously. She provides wonderful advice, emotional support and really takes the pressure off us. She is always available at short notice — whether that entails speaking by phone, meeting us at the emergency room or responding to an email. Thank you, Senior Options!” –Jonathan K.